Vilius Valiusis
Vilius Valiusis

11:17 19 Jun 2018

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Chris has been speaking to Neil about encouraging his daughter to eat more of a vegetarian diet. Chris put it to her: Would you rather have a little piglet living or a sausage ?'
Her answer: 'a sausage!'

Paul spoke to Neil Prendeville on the show this morning and claims there are plenty of positions being advertised. 'I am sick to death of people saying there are plenty of jobs out there. I am working at the moment but have been looking for another job for almost a year now, same situation with a friend of mine who is also working. When I was out of work all these people saying that you are just lazy if you can’t find a job need to step down off their thrones and stop painting everyone with the same brush.'

We also spoke to Niall again from yesterdays incident about getting kicked off the plane.

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