Vilius Valiusis
Vilius Valiusis

12:31 28 Jun 2018

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Has alcohol ruined your life? Have your family been impacted by drink? Hugh has admitted that he was a functioning alcoholic and went to AA meetings with a water bottle filled with vodka, he hid alcohol in the toilet cistern and replaced mouthwash with vodka & food dye. Gerard has been chatting to Neil about losing a substantial amount of money between Carrigaline & Mahon yesterday morning. The money was inside in a blue Nike runner. He had been due to lodge it and the money was for a family trip to Disneyland. Staff have been told by the HSE that due to a severe shortage of home help staff that they have reached a critical stage with annual leave and sick leave cover. Some clients and families will be left without cover. Have you been affected or had a family member left without home help?

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