A Cork mother says the inciner...


A Cork mother says the incineration of part of her son's brain has forced her to relive his death again

RedFM News
RedFM News

05:16 28 Sep 2021

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Annie's son was born prematurely at Cork University Maternity Hospital in January last year and died one day later after developing a bleed in his lung and brain.

A post mortem was carried out and a part of her baby's brain was removed. Annie consented to the organ being buried in the Garden of Angel's but was told yesterday by a nurse that the piece of brain was taken out of the country and incinerated.

The hospital have launched an investigation following the revelation that the organs of 18 babies were incinerated in Belgium along with clinical waste.

Speaking to RedFM News, Annie says today has been a very difficult day for her and her family:

"I'm literally in bed all day, I'm just sick to my stomach, it's reliving my son's death again. All she said was that they have to ring 18 families, and that they're sorry they are ringing families and that there's 18 babies in total that this has happened to, and that my son is one of 18, but they never told me what the actual story was going to be about. And when I questioned them today, when I rang them back when I was furious after reading the article, they said they couldn't give me the facts because the grievance councillors themselves didn't know all the facts."

A Cork mother says the incineration of part of her son's brain has forced her to relive his death again

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Cork University Maternity Hospital

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