Cork is honouring Frontline Workers as part of Ireland's national day of recognition today.
Up to 50 frontline service vehicles are expected to drive a 50 kilometer loop through Cork city and suburbs,
while a flotilla of vessels from the Naval Service and Coast Guard will travel into the city centre from Monkstown and as fly-over by the Air Corps also takes place.
Cork City Fire Brigade, the Gardaí, the National Ambulance Service, the Defence Forces and the Civil Defense will be among the participants in the motorcade.
It will leave the city centre at 11 o'clock.
Members of the public are invited to come out and watch the parade while abiding by Covid guidelines.
The National Services Day, first began in 2018, and takes place annually on the first Saturday of September
The Minister for Justice, Heather Humphreys praised the 'commitment and professionalism' of Ireland's frontline, security and voluntary services, despite the demands placed on them never having been greater.
Minister of State for the Department of Justice, James Browne says members of frontline services put their lives at risk on a daily basis:
"Gosh corner. Our prison service or paramedics or healthcare services, and even a lot of voters working in New York authorities they have to keep working on on our supermarkets, they have to keep working right through COVID turning up for work every day, they kept a country going on, it was a phenomenal effort by them to do so and, but especially I think on guard issue corner Forest Service's you go out the face as opposed to risk of not coming home."