A Cork man has been reliving t...


A Cork man has been reliving the nightmare of the Twin Towers Attack 20 years ago

RedFM News
RedFM News

01:12 10 Sep 2021

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Mark Clifford's brother was due to attend a meeting in the World Trade Centre on September 11th and he immediately tried to contact him. It took a number of hours before he learned that his brother Ronnie had survived the attack and had made his way home to New Jersey"

However he later discovered his sister Ruth Clifford McCourt, had boarded a flight to LA that morning with her 4 year-old daughter Juliana and that plane was subsequently hijacked and flown into the south tower of the World Trade Centre.

Almost 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks when hijackers crashed planes into the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania

Speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show on Cork's RedFM Mark Clifford says he will celebrate Ruth and Juliana's lives tomorrow with family and friends:

"We loved Ruth and on Saturday we'll celebrate Ruth's life, and we'll celebrate Juliana's life short life and we'll celebrate Juliana's godmothers life, Paige, as well and so I am the custodian of a lot of Ruth's personal photographs. And so from that my family might have seen yet or whatever I'm going to take, make a montage of life in photographs on our visit to Ireland, and are the United States."


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