Ban on XL Bully dogs will come...


Ban on XL Bully dogs will come into force from October 1st.

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

10:52 12 Jul 2024

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A ban on breeding, rehoming, reselling and importing XL Bully dogs will come into force from October 1st.

It follows a recent spate in dog attacks, including an attack at a house in Ballyphehane last month,

The Cork Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says the warden service will be policing the new measures.

Anyone who wishes to keep an XL bully dog must now follow certain conditions.

Vincent Cashman from the CSPCA told RedFM News the ban is not an immediate put to sleep:

"There's been some false information given out there that it's an immediate put to sleep. It's not. You can keep your keep the dog if you follow these conditions: the dog has to be muzzled, on a lead at all times in public, short lead less than a meter, your ID tags are on the collar, must be walked by someone over the age of 16 and be microchipped, registered and licensed".

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Ballyphehane Ban Cspca Dog Attack Nicole Morey XL Bully

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