Commitment Given On The The Lo...


Commitment Given On The The Lower Lee Flood relief scheme by the OPW Minister

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:15 8 Oct 2020

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The matter was raised in the Seanad today by Cork Fine Gael Senator Jerry Buttimer.

He appealed for an update on the scheme along with calling for a timeline to be put in place for the project as he outlined it's importance to Cork and the lives and livelihoods of people in the city

The Minister for OPW Patrick O'Donovan was in the upper house to respond to the questions raised in relation to delays to the commencement date for the scheme

He reaffirmed his commitment to the scheme and also outlined that a tidal barrier is not a viable option for Cork city

The Junior Minister told the Seanad that further delays to the scheme would increase the risk of a flood threat to the city and he says he has a major concern about the possible loss of life in the wake of any major flooding incident in the future

Commitment Given On The The Lower Lee Flood relief scheme by the OPW Minister

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