Construction workers striking...


Construction workers striking in Kinsale frustrated with lack of compensation for travel time

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

01:13 6 Sep 2024

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Construction workers striking in Kinsale say they are frustrated with the lack of compensation for travel time.

Members of Unite trade union are participating in a full work stoppage today.

The union is calling for the reinstatement of travel allowances which were cut during the recession.

Speaking to RedFM News Ed Thompson from Unite, who is picketing outside the pharmaceutical company Lilly in Kinsale, says workers spend a large amount of time and money getting to construction sites:

"Well it's impacting them in the pocket, and by having to travel to sites which they would have previously have got that hours travel time for because the nature of the work is that we could work on one site today, another tomorrow and the travel that's included with that so it's a financial impact as well."

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