Cork City Council Welcomes An...


Cork City Council Welcomes An Bord Pleanála's Decision To Approve The Morrison's Island Flood Defence Project

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:43 19 Jun 2020

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Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh says he believes the decision is a transformational scheme for the city centre

An Bord Pleanala says, subject to compliance with conditions set out, the proposed development would deliver significant benefits in terms of reducing the risk of tidal flooding in the area, provide for necessary remedial works to the quay walls and a much-improved public realm along the waterside..

Lord Mayor Cllr Joe Kavanagh says he believes the decision is a transformational scheme for the city centre and for riverside amenity and enables the fulfilment of a long standing objective for the city

Cork City Council will now proceed to complete the detailed design and tender documents with a view to awarding the works contract in the coming month

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