Cork could be waiting another decade for an Events Centre if the City Council were to withdraw from the current partnership project
Council CEO Ann Doherty was speaking as a proposal to develop a 'publicly-owned' Events Centre was defeated at special Council meeting
Three City Councillors called for the withdrawal of a request for additional state funding for the long stalled project.
Speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show the Irish Examiner's Eoin English says Ann Doherty outlined how the project could be impacted if the city was to pursue a publicly owned Events Centre
"That the Council would face a huge amount of risk, as it would have to identify a site itself, it would have rezone the land, get a design team,, secure planning and that has taken us 10 years to get to this point and that if the Council had to start from point zero again, we could be talking about another 10, or 15 years before an Events Centre is built"