Cork hotelier says Cork Airpor...


Cork hotelier says Cork Airport is key in recovery of hospitality sector

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:40 25 Feb 2021

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A Cork hotelier says Cork Airport will be key in the hospitality sector's recovery Leeside in the years ahead.

Disappointment was expressed by many in the industry following last night's announcement where no clear indication of a reopening of the sector was given.

However it's hoped reopening will be feasible this summer and staycations will boost the tourism industry.

Speaking to RedFM News Ray Kelleher of the Montenotte Hotel says while domestic tourism is the short-term goal for those in the industry, the eventual resumption of international travel will kick-start a real recovery.

"At the moment we're in a domestic Irish staycation market.

"But if you open up your airport properly you've got that international piece, whether it's from leisure travellers, or conference delegates or international delegates coming to the 174 FDI companies in Cork.

"They all have travel bans at present. But once the vaccine rollout comes to force, corporate travel will come back, especially to a city like Cork."

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