Cork president of the Irish Ho...


Cork president of the Irish Hotels Federation says efforts to tackle climate change will reduce waste and costs for business

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

09:21 1 Mar 2024

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The Cork president of the Irish Hotels Federation says efforts to tackle climate change will reduce waste and costs for business.

The federation says its members are receiving slightly less bookings compared to 2023 and are forecasting costs to increase by 8% this year.

Demand from North America remains strong, however concern has been raised about the lack of growth from the UK and Europe.

Speaking to RedFM News, owner of the Vienna Woods Hotel and new IHF president Michael Magner says climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time:

"The hotel industry and guesthouse sector are well placed to be leaders in this space. We have millions of visitors to our hotels and guesthouse. And we could be educators in that space in terms of putting in place sustainable practices that transfers that information on to our customers."

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