The level of demand for SouthDoc - the out of hours GP service - is rising annually in the face of an ageing workforce population
More than one quarter of GP's in Cork and Kerry are over 60 and attracting other doctors to replace them in rural areas is difficult as there is a greater onus on them for out-of-hours service than in urban areas
The growth in the SouthDoc service is also leading to burnout among some doctors who continue to provide a day time service before taking up their out of hours
Changes in the service from the New Year will see an enlarged rota for GP's which it's hoped will future proof the SouthDoc service
South Doc Chairman Dr Andrew Crosbie told RedFM News that they had no choice but to make the changes
"People are threatening to resign if we don't do this. The same thing is happening in other areas. We have done this already, in Skibbereen across to Bantry very successfully last summer, and also Kanturk, Newmarket across to Mallow, and the doctors have found that their stress levels have diminished and they are able to work pretty well without complaint"