Fuel prices at their highest p...


Fuel prices at their highest point in ten or twelve years according to a transport expert

RedFM News
RedFM News

06:53 26 Oct 2021

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It comes as the Government has announced new carbon budgets to reduce emissions over the next decade.

Increased carbon taxes will likely be a feature of the next number of budgets as the country moves away from fossil fuel use.

Transport commentator Conor Faughnan says that, combined with international pressures, is leading to increased fuel costs:

"And there's been a delay in actually making the stuff- petrol and diesel are made in refineries, crude oil goes in, product comes out. And those supply chains have been slowed and disrupted by the COVID slowdown. So there's a fair few things counting against us both short term and long term. And the practical upshot is, as you were hearing on the on the messages 1.70 a litre for a fuel out and about- that's as high as we paid in 10-12 years."

Fuel prices at their highest point in ten or twelve years according to a transport expert

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