Gardaí and emergency services...


Gardaí and emergency services alerted to "hoax" bomb scares in the city

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

01:54 24 Nov 2023

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Gardaí and emergency services were alerted to multiple bomb scares across the city this morning.

People were evacuated from the Courthouse on Washington Street and the Mercy Hospital in what Gardaí have called "a hoax."

Washington Street was shut down shortly before Midday as Gardaí and emergency services were alerted to the scene.

The courthouse on Washington street was evacuated and Gardaí say the threat was definitely a hoax and the courthouse reopened.

Gardaí arrested a man outside the courthouse on Washington Street.

Meanwhile, staff and patients of some wards of the Mercy University Hospital were also evacuated.

Gardaí and emergency services were at the scene and the hospital was sealed off from the public.


The Mercy Hospital says it’s now been cleared by Gardaí and they are taking patients as normal.

Gardaí say the security alerts in Cork this morning were "a hoax" and that the areas have been deemed safe.

In a statement to RedFM News, Gardaí said

"Gardaí are aware of a number of security alerts at several locations in Cork City this morning, Friday 24th November 2023. Following further enquiries An Garda Síochána is satisfied that all of the alerts have been deemed as hoax and the areas have been declared safe."


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