Gardai in Cork city target bog...


Gardai in Cork city target bogus traders

RedFM Sport
RedFM Sport

12:15 9 Nov 2021

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Gardaí from the Cork City Division are conducting a 'day of action' today targeting bogus traders and related criminal activity.

Across today they will be hosting Crime Prevention Clinics at key locations including Blackpool, Wilton and Merchants Quay shopping centres.

Multi agency checkpoints will be carried out across the Cork City Division involving local Garda Units, Garda Roads Policing, local Detectives and Department of Social Welfare personnel.

Gardai say despite recent warnings, people are still allowing bogus and rogue traders access to their homes and in many cases they carry out poorly finished works at inflated prices.

In other cases, large deposits are taken and no work carried out.

Gardai are appealing to anyone who has elderly or vulnerable neighbours to let them know if they see or hear about bogus traders operating in their area, and always contact local Gardaí.

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Bogus Traders Cork Gardai

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