Gardaí Investigating Crash Tha...


Gardaí Investigating Crash That Killed 16-Year-Old Kimberly O'Connor Are Focusing On Car Involved In Incident

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:31 28 Feb 2020

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Gardaí investigating the crash that killed 16 year old Kimberly O'Connor say they are focusing on the purchase of the car involved in the incident.

The Echo reports that senior Gardaí say the investigation is progressing well and that the purchase of the 19 year old Seat is central to their inquiries.

Transition year student Kimberly died close to her home on Harbour View road in Knocknaheeny on the 19th of this month when the car she was a passenger in struck a wall.

Two other boys were also injured, one of them critically.

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