Homeowners with flood damage c...


Homeowners with flood damage calling for measures to be put in place on the Owenacurra river

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

05:00 15 Feb 2024

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Homeowners with extensive flood damage near Midleton are calling for measures to be put in place on the river in front of their properties.

Moore’s Bridge in Kncokgriffin collapsed after the Owenacurra River burst its banks during Storm Babet four months ago, and is still not repaired.

Alan Mahy’s home flooded twice and his family must stay in rented accommodation while they wait for building work and storm payouts.

Speaking to RedFM News, Alan says the river is extremely dangerous, and something must be done:

"Nervous, you'd be anxious with it. We're trying to keep our daughters safe mentally as well as physically. Every time it rains heavily, they say 'are we going to flood again?"

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