HSE says it's working to reduc...


HSE says it's working to reduce wait times for primary care psychology services in Cork

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

11:18 15 May 2024

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The HSE says it is working to reduce wait times after it emerged that the number of children and adolescents in Cork waiting for primary care psychology services are five times higher than those waiting for CAMHS appointments.

More than 4,000 people under the age of 18 are on the waiting list to be seen by the primary care psychology team, with almost 60% of them waiting more than a year.

Cork Kerry Community Healthcare says they are facing challenges due to the significant rise in the number of referrals as well as staffing challenges with more than half of posts in the service vacant at the moment

However they have moved to reassure parents and families that referrals are triaged as they are received, so that children are directed to the most appropriate service.

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CAMHS Children Cork Healthcare Hse Wait Times

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