Irish Water, working in partnership with Cork County Council, is replacing approximately 2,780 metres of old watermains with new modern pipes.
The new pipes will provide a more reliable water supply and reduce high levels of leakage.
The section of works will take place on the Close Road, East of Castletownroche National School, and will commence in late February.
To complete the works efficiently and safely, the Close Road will be closed from the Castletownroche N.S junction to the cross at Oaklands from late February until late June 2022.
Westbound traffic will continue through Oaklands and join the N72/Castletownroche Road at Monanimy.
Eastbound traffic coming from Castletownroche will take the N72 to Monanimy and take the right turn toward Oaklands.
Diversions will be signposted on approach.