Cork Singer/Songwriter and a proud Norrie, Myles Gaffney, spoke to Mick Mulcahy on The Neil Prendeville Show this morning.
He says some Norries feel a few listeners to the show have been anti Northside in recent weeks.
Myles said "I heard a disgruntled Norrie spoke to Neil of how he felt the Northside was always hard done by."
The song "Northside til I Die" has now taken its place as the Anthem of the Norries of Cork City. Over the years since its release many new verses have been written and added including sports stars and politicians as well as a verse for "Northside Up in Heaven" for all the Norrie Folk gone before us.
You can listen to Myles' full conversation with Mick Mulcahy on The Neil Prendeville Show here: