Men are far less likely to get...


Men are far less likely to get support during and after cancer treatment

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

12:20 13 Aug 2024

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Men are far less likely to get support during and after cancer treatment.

The Marie Keating Foundation is appealing to anyone who has been through cancer to sign up for a survivor workshop next month.

"Survive and Thrive" will be held at the Walter Raleigh Hotel in Youghal from the 10th of September.

Speaking to RedFM News, cancer survivor Richard Holmes from Fermoy is particularly appealing to men to sign up for the support group:

"Us guys, us men I think we are still kind of, "I'm grand, I'll sort it out myself" you know, stuff like that. Like, even during my treatment with chemo and radiotherapy, I drove myself to the hospital every day, you know, because "I am a man, and I can do it" , you know. But at the end of the day, us men can't - we do need that outside help"

To book a space on the programme please click on the link below :

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