More food-led businesses will...


More food-led businesses will close before the end of the year as owners cannot do any more to reduce their costs

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

01:50 9 Aug 2024

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More food-led businesses will close before the end of the year as owners cannot do any more to reduce their costs

The Restaurants Association of Ireland says almost 600 restaurants and cafés were forced to close in the last year since the rise in the VAT rate from nine to 13.5%

Trading conditions this summer have been described as "very tough" as there is less money around and tourist spend is also down

Owner of Coqbull Mike Ryan told RedFM News restaurant owners have absorbed what they can but they have now reached saturation point

"It comes to point that you can't go any lower, and then you're just not viable, and you'll have to close your doors. So people have done what they can, they've absorbed what they can. They put up prices where possible, we're at saturation. There's nowhere to go because the general public can't afford the increases right now. Restaurants can't operate on the costs, they have to operate with you know, there is a point that people have to make very difficult decision"

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