Natasha O'Brien attends protes...


Natasha O'Brien attends protest outside Washington Street Courthouse

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

08:25 28 Jun 2024

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Natasha O’Brien says she has been able to focus her pain and rage into something that could be a turning point for society.

The 24-year-old was beaten unconscious by soldier Cathal Crotty in Limerick two years ago- he initially told Gardaí she had started the attack and later boasted about knocking her out on social media.

The latest in a series of marches took place in Cork city yesterday evening, where protestors called for an overhaul of the legal system and funding for groups involved with victims of gender based violence.


Crowds on the steps of Washington Street courthouse Cork in a protest in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien, 27/06/2024. Image: Jamie O'Hara/

Natasha O’Brien attended the protest and gave her thoughts on the past week:

"I don't want to live in a world where this kind of thing continues. you know, I'm like, just all action now, I told my story, but this is all about moving forward. We've turned something painful, we've turned something heartbreaking, we've turned that rage, and we've directed it towards moving forward."

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