Nearly one in ten Irish 13 yea...


Nearly one in ten Irish 13 year olds have tried vaping and alcohol


09:54 21 Jun 2024

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Nearly one in ten Irish 13 year olds have tried vaping and alcohol.

Vaping has also become more popular than smoking cigarettes according to the latest Growing Up in Ireland report.

Additionally, 10 percent of thirteen year olds ,have been bullied and have boyfriends and girlfriends.

The study, which surveyed more than 6,000teens, found that only three percent had smoked a cigarette in comparison to nine percent who had said they'd vaped.

Teens from single parent households were also more likely to have vaped than those from two parent households.

Almost one quarter of 13 year olds were classified as overweight or obese, with a third of those living in lowest income families in the group.

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Bullying Ireland Smoking Teenagers Vaping

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