Passenger cap at Dublin Airpor...


Passenger cap at Dublin Airport could see more flights to Cork

Maire Nolan
Maire Nolan

03:48 8 Jul 2024

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The passenger cap at Dublin Airport could see airlines moving more flights to Cork.

Cork Airport has launched an incentive to encourage airlines to keep routes to Ireland if flights to Dublin are blocked by the cap.

Cork has Ireland’s second busiest airport after Dublin which has been able to welcome more than 32 million passengers a year since opening a new runway in 2022.

Speaking to RedFM News, DAA CEO Kenny Jacobs says he hopes that offering lower rates for airlines will improve connectivity at Cork Airport:

""What we've announced is a new scheme to encourage airlines, who can't get the slots that they would like in Dublin in the short term period ahead., so we're probably talking for the next two years that they keep any capacity on the island of Ireland. We've launched a new incentive that would make it extremely attractive for them to relocate some aircraft here to Cork".

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Cork Airport DAA Dublin Airport Passenger Cap

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