Residents Battling Lockdown Pa...


Residents Battling Lockdown Parties Around UCC Considering All Options Up To And Including Legal Action

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

10:48 2 Jul 2020

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Local residents associations have staged a number of protests against the parties- which they say have been held for the past six weeks despite social distancing guidelines.

Tenants have been evicted from houses in the College road, Magazine road and surrounding streets since protests began, however locals say some landlords have refused to engage with residents.

The pledge by residents comes after video footage emerged of Gardaí clearing up to 60 teenagers from a house party in Waterford at the weekend, prompting an angry reaction from the Mayor of the County.

Speaking to RedFM News, Catherine Clancy from the Magazine Road and Surrounding Area Residents Association says locals have been forced to consider unprecedented measures:

Residents Battling Lockdown Parties Around UCC Considering All Options Up To And Including Legal Action

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