Rise in people on the verge of...


Rise in people on the verge of being evicted from their homes in Cork is 'concerning'

Maire Nolan
Maire Nolan

03:55 25 Jul 2024

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Threshold says the rise in people who are on the verge of being evicted from their homes is 'concerning'

The housing charity says it prevented over 800 people from entering homelessness in Cork between April and June.

It is a 40 per cent increase from the first three months of the year.

Speaking to RedFM news, CEO of Threshold, John-Mark McCafferty, says tenancy termination is the main issue:

"The tenancy termination continues to be the main issue in Cork. The situation continues to be very, very challenging, because landlords are selling up, because landlords family members wish to move in. That means an ending of the tenancy. Obviously, we're doing work to prevent homelessness. We're doing work to prevent those tenancies from ending where we can so."

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Cork Renters Renting Threshold

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