Road Safety Authority reports...


Road Safety Authority reports a rise in speed and a growing acceptance of drink driving

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

05:15 12 Jul 2024

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The Road Safety Authority is reporting an increase in speed and a growing acceptance of drink driving

Speeding, distraction, intoxication and the non-wearing of seat belts remain the leading causes of road deaths

102 people have died on our roads so far this year - with 12 of those fatalities on Cork roads

Speaking to RedFM News David Martin of the RSA says the increased volume of traffic since Covid has also seen a deterioration of driver behaviour

"Since Covid, traffic numbers are obviously back up to where they were, but we're seeing, and our research people are telling me, that there's an increase in speeding, there's a growing acceptance of drink driving that we had not seen for a long, long time. People are using their mobile phones, all the time. So, these are bad behaviours that are on the rise again. So that's the challenge for all of us"

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