Safety concerns in Knocknaheen...


Safety concerns in Knocknaheeny after fireworks aimed at Gardaí

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

02:11 22 Feb 2024

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Residents on the north side of the city have raised their safety concerns after fireworks were aimed at Gardaí on Tuesday night.

Gardaí and emergency services responded to multiple public order incidents on Kilmore Road in Knocknaheeny.

Two young people were taken to hospital to be treated for injuries after the car they were travelling in crashed into a bollard and went on fire.

Fireworks were set off at the scene and some were aimed at Gardaí and emergency service crews.

Speaking to RedFM News, Local Councillor Mick Nugent says the Gardaí need more numbers to deal with situations like this:

"We need Gardaí and other services as well as public representatives to come together to discuss and reflect what happened and I think it also brings onus to the level of guards available to deal with this situation."

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