Senior Garda Officer From Outs...


Senior Garda Officer From Outside Cork North Division To Conduct Review Into Third-Party Concerns About Potentially Violent Domestic Situations

RedFM News
RedFM News

09:45 9 Apr 2022

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A senior Garda officer from outside the Cork North Division will conduct a review into third-party concerns about potentially violent domestic situations.

The Irish Examiner is reporting this morning that a senior member of the force will investigate Garda protocols following the deaths of a Kanturk father and his two sons in October 2020.

26 year old Mark O’Sullivan was shot dead at the family home in near the North Cork town by his brother Diarmuid and father Tadgd.

They then took their own lives.

It emerged at the inquest that friends and relatives had expressed concerns for Mark, and his mother Anne's safety.

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