Still no certainty around the...


Still no certainty around the future funding model for RTÉ

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

08:44 4 Jul 2024

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There is still no certainty around the future funding model for RTÉ.

A report on the future of media in Ireland recommended the controversial "Exchequer Model" however, there's no guarantee that will get Government approval.

A divided media committee was what was seen yesterday as this long awaited was published.

Despite it recommending the abolition of the TV licence, it's emerged not all committee members were there for the vote and had they been the outcome likely would have been different.

Regardless this suggestion, along with 28 other recommendations including pay parity for those working through Irish and more support for local media will go forward to the Media Minister.

However, that doesn't make it clear cut- while Catherine Martin is in favour of the exchequer model, Paschal Donoghue, Michael Martin, and Jack Chambers have already voiced their opposition.

So, it looks like the future funding of RTÉ is still unknown and Minister Martin now has a fight on her hands.

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