The targeted marketing of cannabis to young people through edibles and vapes has been described as very cynical
Leading HSE adolescent addiction expert Professor Bobby Smyth says the increasing prevalence and normalisation of vaping is a big concern
He has warned that synthetic cannabinoids can lead to significant mental health problems particularly amongst young people
Speaking to RedFM News Professor Smyth says they can cause anxiety, depression, and in some cases, psychosis.
"It's a concern for all cannabis based products whether natural or the synthetics. The adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of cannabinoids. As I said, whether natural or synthetic but the synthetic products are definitely nastier in terms of their side effect profile and the problems they can cause"

The HSE is inviting parents and guardians to a free online webinar on Thursday, 23rd November 2023 at 7:00pm, called ‘Parents Matter: the role of parents in substance prevention and education’. Topics include vaping, cannabis, edibles, underage drinking and prevention. A key focus will be empowering parents on delivering drug education and prevention within the home. Register your spot on