Wife Of Cork Man Who Died Just...


Wife Of Cork Man Who Died Just Seven Weeks After Their Wedding Appeals For Livestock Donations For A Fundraiser

RedFM News
RedFM News

01:11 26 Feb 2022

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Kate Canniffe's 37 year old husband Denis died in October last year after he was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of brain cancer.

Kate says they were shocked at the lack of research into the condition that affects around 200 people in Ireland every year and has organised a livestock auction at Bandon Mart on the 18th of April to raise money for Breakthrough Cancer Research.

Speaking to RedFM News, Kate outlines how people can help:

"If anybody is farming and they would have some stock, be male or female of any age, and they would like to donate an animal to our sale, if  they contact Bandon Mart they can book them in with the market manager, Sean Dennehy. Bandon Mart have been very kind to waive all fees and all commission on the sale. If you're not farming and you want to donate, then the we have an idonate link. It's available online and you can make a financial contribution, which would also be much appreciated."

Anyone that would like to donate an animal to the fundraising sale please contact Bandon Mart on 023 884 11 51 before Tuesday 12th of April. If you are interested in making a purchase on the day, you can do so by attending Bandon Mart on Easter Monday 18th April 2022 at 3pm. The auction will also be open to buyers and spectators online via Mart Eye.

If anyone would like to make a financial contribution to the fundraiser, you can do so via

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Bandon Mart Breakthrough Cancer Research Denis Canniffe Redfm News

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