90% Air Travel Passengers Expe...


90% Air Travel Passengers Expected This Christmas Period

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:27 7 Dec 2020

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90% of air travel passengers are expected this Christmas compared to last year.

It comes as the government has again encouraged people to consider not travelling home unless for essential reasons.

Andrew Lowth has this report for RedFM News:

'The government is projecting that the numbers of people traveling home will be significantly lower than last year. It's also asking people to consider if their journey is essential before coming home. Liz Canavan from the Department of the Taoiseach says many Irish living abroad are expected to comply with the advice. The government is also reminding people of the EU traffic light system if they do travel home. If they're coming from an orange country does not need to restrict their movements if they have evidence of getting tested three days before arriving and COVID-19 was not detected. While those travelling from a red country will need to restrict their movements for 14 days, unless COVID-19 is not detected following a PCR test on Day 5. Countries outside of Europe, such as the US, Canada and the UAE, are considered to be red zones.'

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