A Cork Hotelier Is Calling For...


A Cork Hotelier Is Calling For Increased Government Support For The Hotel Sector In Budget 2021

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:08 11 Oct 2020

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The Manager of the Celtic Ross Hotel in Rosscarbery says the industry has been decimated by COVID

Neil Grant says it's unfair that cafes, restaurants, and hotels have been punished when the majority of new coronavirus outbreaks are occurring in private settings.

His comments follow reports that less than 1% of coronavirus infections can be traced to hotel settings, while over 70% are attributed to private indoor gatherings.

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a drop of as much as 95% in inbound tourism revenues for 2020, and a loss of €800 million in Ireland's international visitor revenue.

Neil Grants says 90% of markets operated by hotels across Ireland have been shut down, with wedding and indoor gatherings capacity diminished, and just 15 people allowed to dine outdoors in hotels under Level 3 COVID restrictions.

Speaking to RedFM News, Cork Hotelier Neil Grant says businesses won't survive without Government intervention:

A Cork Hotelier Is Calling For Increased Government Support For The Hotel Sector In Budget 2021

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