A UCC Genetics Graduate Says F...


A UCC Genetics Graduate Says Face Masks Shouldn't Be Needed By The General Public

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

05:22 23 Mar 2020

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That's if they're practicing social distancing

Dr Paul O'Brien says it's vital that the majority of supplies of face masks that are available in this country go to frontline staff and not to people who want to flout HSE guidelines.

Thousands flocked to Cork beaches this weekend with gardaí forced to close many carparks despite HSE warnings to avoid large gatherings.

It comes amid mounting speculation that a lockdown is inevitable to curb the spread of the virus and stagger hospital admissions.

Speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show on Cork's RedFM Medical Doctor and UCC Genetics Graduate Dr Paul O'Brien says face masks aren't needed for people who are following the guidelines:

A UCC Genetics Graduate Says Face Masks Shouldn't Be Needed By The General Public

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