Batches of PPE to arrive in Ir...


Batches of PPE to arrive in Ireland this week

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:28 15 Apr 2020

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Another two batches of personal protective equipment will arrive in Ireland from China this week.

The first section of the HSE's 200 million euro order arrived two weeks ago, but about a quarter wasn't suitable for use here.

However, HSE chief executive Paul Reid says the majority will be of great benefit to the healthcare system.

He has also been defending the HSE's record for coronavirus testing and tracing.

"We've built this up hugely over the last number of weeks.

"But now we need to put in a full end to end process oversight.

"I've recently appointed Ms Niamh O'Byrne who will come and work for me on secondment from EY for the next six months.

"Very positively, we've had support and strengthened our own over all capacity.

"During this week we will now be in a position where we don't have a backlog, and we will be returning the tests in a more timely manner."

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