Cabinet Ministers will make a...


Cabinet Ministers will make a final decision on how to re-open the country this afternoon

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

12:50 27 Nov 2020

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It's expected much of the economy will be allowed to open next week but a ban on household visits will remain in place longer

Tuesday next week now looks like re-opening day for retail, hairdressers, barbers and gyms among other industries.

Cabinet Ministers are set to give approval for restaurants and gastropubs to re-open as well and while some Ministers are pushing for that to happen from the 4th of December it will more likely be Monday the 7th.

But there will be changes including a reduced amount of time you can spend in one and the amount of people at a table.

While people will be allowed to travel within their county from next week inter-county travel will remain restricted.

It's expected the ban on household visits will also remain in place until December 18th - the Friday before Christmas.

Ministers will meet from around 2pm this afternoon to finalise the details - with a full announcement expected around 6 o'clock.

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