Calls to Drug and Alcohol Help...


Calls to Drug and Alcohol Helpline rise

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:14 9 Apr 2020

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The number of calls and emails to the HSE’s Drug and Alcohol Helpline rose by almost a third last year.

There were a total of 5,500 contacts from people looking for help on problem-use of these substances.

39 per cent of them related to alcohol, and a significant number were connected to young people.

Eunan McKinney, from Alcohol Action Ireland, is not surprised.

"We know that the younger cohort is the heaviest binge drinkers in the European Union.

"The level of alcohol consumption across the board throughout the whole of the population continues to be very high.

"55% of the drinkers in Ireland continue to have a harmful relationship with alcohol."

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