Chairman Of The Cork City Vint...


Chairman Of The Cork City Vintners Federation Says Pedestrianising City Streets Won't Help The Hospitality Sector In The Short Term

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

10:19 11 Oct 2020

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Michael O'Donovan was speaking after the country was moved to Level 3 Covid-19 restrictions

It has led to the banning of indoor sittings and the reduction of outdoor gatherings to just 15 people.

Cork City Council is currently in the middle of a consultation process on the pedestrianisation of 17 streets which would help to support social social distancing and is part of the Council's vision for a City of sustainable urban growth.

The Council says the plan would allow people to fully enjoy the City's outdoor spaces all year round but speaking to RedFM News, Publican Michael O'Donovan says it's hard to see how it would work in the colder months:

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