Changes to rules around the Pa...


Changes to rules around the Pandemic Unemployment Payment to benefit the self-employed

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

05:13 9 Dec 2020

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It will mean they can earn a maximum of 960 euro over two months without losing access to PUP money - a change from the current 480 a month limit.

This is to take into account the likes of musicians who may do one gig and be paid more than the current 480 limit.

It would also ensure the likes of taxi drivers who have busy weeks over Christmas could still get access to the payments.

Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys says it will give more flexibility to the self-employed, "Whether it is €480 over four weeks or €960 over eight weeks, the point here is that we don't want people turning down work for fear that it might impact on their pandemic unemployment payment".

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