Cllr Des Cahill says nurses an...


Cllr Des Cahill says nurses and HSE staff should be rewarded

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:58 10 Apr 2020

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Nurses and HSE staff working in unprecedented conditions, exposing themselves to huge risks have to rewarded.

That's according to Cllr Des Cahill who says over 1,000 healthcare workers have contracted COVID19 and say they should receive special allowances for the risks they're taking.

The former Lord Mayor says correct actions need to be taken now so protests and industrial unrest are not witnessed post COVID19.

Speaking to RedFM News he says nurses are endangering themselves no different to our soldiers going into a battlefield on a UN peacekeeping mission, and that should be recognised.

"If this emergency period is to last for 12 weeks, a tax credit of €4,000 should be given to nurses.

"The overall pay of nurses should be visited when the crisis dissipates.

"I hope that common sense can be adapted by government, and practice steps are taken to reward nurses now, not later.

"All retail staff should be equally compensated."

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