CMO: No Room For Complacency,...


CMO: No Room For Complacency, Despite Ireland Having Lowest 14-Day Covid Incidence Rate In The EU

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:48 3 Dec 2020

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The country reached that level after 270 new cases were reported yesterday including 7 in Cork, along with five deaths.

Dr Tony Holohan says it's important to keep up the progress we've achieved in recent weeks.

NPHET will meet this morning to discuss the spread of the virus, and plans to vaccinate the population in the new year.

Tony O'Brien, the former director-general of the HSE, says the drop in incidence rate is significant:

"Achieving that position on a European like basis is really important, it sets us up well. But it's important that we recognise that it's been achieved after six weeks of level five lockdown. So there's been a fairly heavy price paid to get there, and how we behave from now on will determine whether we get to enjoy the benefits of that low rate and whether that rate becomes even lower as we head towards Christmas."

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