CMO: We Need To Make Up For Th...


CMO: We Need To Make Up For The Time Lost Over The Last Week

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:49 20 Nov 2020

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The decline of Covid-19 has stalled in the past seven days.

Daily case numbers had been declining rapidly during the first three weeks of level 5 restrictions, but this stopped suddenly over the last seven days.

It's partially because the average number of close contacts a confirmed case has has increased from 2.6 to 3.2.

Dr Tony Holohan says people have taken their "foot off the gas".

"We made early and good rapid progress over the course of the last number of weeks, we needed to keep that up, we needed to sustain that and we were saying that we haven't been able to sustain that over the course of the last week, and there probably complex reasons for that. But at least a part of that will be in the decisions that people have made, and lots of things play into it, their sense of fear, perhaps, reducing about the risk of picking up the infection if there's a feeling there's less of that around."

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