Collins Barracks could be used...


Collins Barracks could be used as a temporary mortuary

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:51 27 Mar 2020

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Collins Barracks could be used as a temporary mortuary if there is a spike in deaths due to Covid-19.

The Echo reports the barracks on the Old Youghal Road is already a national mortuary site for major emergencies and could be brought into use for the southern region.

Dublin has the highest number of confirmed Covid-19 cases at 774, followed by Cork with 154 cases.

Yesterday the government confirmed that they are setting up temporary mortuary facilities across the country.

Liz Canavan from the Department of the Taoiseach addressed the issue at a press briefing yesterday.

"As part of this work we're also preparing for the wider consequences of the surge, including the deeply sensitive issue of temporary mortuary facilities.

"A group of senior officials from government and relevant agencies is working to gather on this matter, and is guided and informed by the need for compassion and care for the families that will be affected."

Collins Barracks could be used as a temporary mortuary

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