Cork branch of VFI says it may...


Cork branch of VFI says it may not be viable for some pubs to reopen under proposed plan

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:11 5 May 2020

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The Cork branch of the Vintners Federation of Ireland say while publicans are hopeful they might be able to reopen their premises six weeks early, not every pub will be benefit.

Publicans say they want to be treated the same as cafés and restaurants under the government's pandemic plan and have proposed a new plan that would limit the number of people on the premises, ban live music, and make pubs table service only.

It's hoped the new plans will be enough to convince public health authorities to let them get back to work from the end of June instead of August 10th.

Speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show on Cork's RedFM publican and VFI representative Michael O'Donovan says if the plan is approved it will still pose difficulties for some traders.

"Our proposal is that it would be four people per every ten square metres.

"I'm estimating that in my premises I would only be able to have 14 or 16 people maximum in the bar.

"Then you'd have to work out is it viable - and that will be the harsh reality of how it's going to be for publicans in the near future.

"It's just going to be tough, and it'll be a very tough decision."

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