Cork couple enter day 8 of qua...


Cork couple enter day 8 of quarantine in Peru

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:58 23 Mar 2020

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A Cork couple have entered their eighth day of quarantine at a hostel in Peru.

The South American country is on lockdown under martial law due to the coronavirus crisis.

Andrew Cotter from Mitchelstown and his girlfriend Marie Barry from Conna are among dozens of Irish citizens who have been stranded by the lockdown.

A number of chartered flights which were due to fly from Lima to Europe last week did not materialise...

However Tánaiste Simon Coveney said the government has organised a plane to collect over 130 Irish citizens in Peru.

Speaking to RedFM News from Peru yesterday, Andrew says even trips to the local supermarket can be difficult.

"You have to be very careful - you have to be on your own, you have to wear a face mask, you have to have your passport with you.

"People are getting stopped on the streets and asked where they're going and why they're going there.

"Depending on the police officer you meet, they can be very nice.There's some really good stories of them looking after people and giving foreigners face masks if they don't have them.

"But then there's stories of police sending them back to the hostel saying they're not allowed out, even though the decree says we're allowed out to go to the supermarket or the pharmacy."

Cork couple enter day 8 of quarantine in Peru

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