Cork couple turn down repatria...


Cork couple turn down repatriation to remain in Kenya to fight COVID19

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

11:35 30 Apr 2020

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A Cork couple in Kenya have turned down repatriation in order to remain in the country to help the people there in the fight against COVID19.

Maria Kidney and her husband Martin had been in the African country volunteering when the COVID19 outbreak occurred however they say the situation is dire and they couldn't leave.

They are now working to help communities by providing PPE equipment to the area, converting buildings into isolation wards and equipping them with beds, triage tents and essential equipment.

There is currently one ventilator per one million people in Kericho county where the Cork couple are based.

If you would like to donate more details can be found here:

Speaking to RedFM News Maria of Brighter Communities Worldwide says they had to stay as the long term impact of coronavirus for huge for the people in this area:

Cork couple turn down repatriation to remain in Kenya to fight COVID19

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