Cork Gardai say anyone who cou...


Cork Gardai say anyone who coughs at another person will be charged with assault

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:30 26 Mar 2020

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Gardaí in Cork say anyone who coughs at another person during the Covid-19 crisis will be charged with assault.

It comes as Gardaí are to be issued with 'spit hoods' to place over suspects faces during the coronavirus crisis following a number of incidents of people coughing on members of the public and Gardai in Cork in recent weeks.

It's understood Gardaí have ordered 16,000 spit hoods, which cover the entire face of the detainee and stops them spitting at, coughing on or biting officers.

Speaking to RedFM News, Superintendent Mick Comyns has condemned the practise and is encouraging anyone with any information to come forward.

"We are told from social media and we see ourselves on social media that there may be incidents which are not being reported.

"I would like to encourage people that if there are incidents that they would report them straight away to Gardai.

"We're adamant that we will be prosecuting people for assault for this kind of behaviour."

Cork Gardai say anyone who coughs at another person will be charged with assault

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